This disclaimer describes the rights, obligations, and conditions of use that apply to every use of the website of the Liantis HR services group. By using the Liantis website, you explicitly accept these terms and conditions. Liantis may unilaterally change the provisions in this disclaimer at any time.
Accurate, up-to-date, and complete
Our aim is to provide accurate, up-to-date, and complete information via our website. The provided information is for general guidance and information purposes only and is not tailored to your specific situation. Given the rapid evolution of the topics we deal with on our site (such as social security and health and safety legislation), our information may not be accurate, up-to-date, and complete at all times.
In any case, the provision of this information is an obligation of means and in no way an obligation of result. Therefore, Liantis cannot be held liable for any alleged damage arising from the use of the information on this website.
If you are convinced that certain information is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact Liantis via info@liantis.be. We make every effort to verify such information as quickly as possible and correct any errors.
Your personal data
We process all personal data that you provide to us via our website in accordance with the GDPR. More information about this can be found on www.liantis.be/nl/privacy.
Links to other websites
This website contains links to the websites of partner organisations. We have no control over the content or technical aspects of these external websites. Therefore, Liantis cannot be held responsible for the use of the information or links that are made available on these external sites.
We make every effort to keep this website available at all times. However, we cannot guarantee that the website will always be fully available, functional, and free from technical problems. Therefore, Liantis cannot be held liable if the website is not functioning at its optimum level or is unavailable.
Due care and diligence
When you visit our website, you undertake to use our website with due care and diligence. Sending harmful, illegal, threatening, abusive, hurtful, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, or reprehensible information, files, links, software, or other data via the website that is not permitted.
Furthermore, the sending of viruses, Trojan horses, or other means that damage or destroy software via our website is not permitted. Violating laws or regulations when using our website or the rights of other persons or legal entities, such as the right to privacy or intellectual property rights, is not allowed either.
Intellectual property rights
All intellectual property rights on the website, logos, information, texts, supporting computer programs, and applications belong to Liantis and are protected by copyright.
The unlawful use, unauthorised copying, modification, or use of any element of this website, regardless of the manner and form of this use, without Liantis’ express permission is strictly prohibited. Personal use for purely informative purposes is the only exception.
Liantis can only be held liable for proven direct damage in the event of fraud, intent, or serious error. The compensation for this proven damage will be limited to an amount equal to the considerations for the services provided by Liantis to the party suffering the damage during the past year.
Insofar as you, as a user, wish to exercise your right to compensation, you should notify Liantis of this by registered letter within thirty days after the damage has become apparent.
Competent court
Only the courts of the judicial district of West Flanders, Bruges division, have jurisdiction for all disputes concerning these provisions.